Learnsmarter creates training administration solutions for organizations that deliver training – to customers, staff, distributors, franchisees, partners and volunteers. Learnsmarter is a Salesforce ISV and our solutions are native apps, built and hosted on the Salesforce platform.
We work with some great customers and we are proud to see them using our products and enjoy working with all of them to help them to reach their goals. Our team has many year of experience in the training administration sphere and all software development is done in the UK.
Learnsmarter is a trading name of Learnsmarter Apps Ltd, a company registered in England No. 6127764.
This Privacy Policy explains the types of personal information we collect and how we use, disclose and protect that information.
What does this Privacy Policy apply to?
This Privacy Policy applies to personal information collected by Learnsmarter Apps Ltd in connection with the services that we offer. This includes information collected by, but not limited to direct marketing campaigns, events, online through our website, applications and branded pages on third party platforms.
Your Consent
By submitting an enquiry through our website, you are consenting to Learnsmarter Apps Ltd collecting and using your personal data to contact you.
How do we use your information?
We use the information that we collect from you to provide our services to you. In addition to this we may use the information for one or more of the following purposes:
To provide information to you that you request from us relating to our products or services.
To provide information to you relating to other products that may be of interest to you. Such additional information will only be provided where you have consented to receive such information.
Customer Data
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will not review, share, distribute, or reference Customer Data except as provided in the Master Subscription Agreement, or as may be required by law. In accordance with the Master Subscription Agreement, Learnsmarter Apps Ltd may access Customer Data only for the purposes of providing the services, preventing or addressing service or technical problems, at a Customer’s request in connection with customer support matters, or as may be required by law.
Safeguarding your information
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd take all reasonable precautions to keep your personal information secure. Access to your personal information is restricted to prevent unauthorised access, modification or misuse and is only permitted amongst our employees. All Learnsmarter Apps Ltd employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement in line with this Privacy Policy.
In operating our business your data will be stored electronically in a secure data centre which may or may not be outside of the European Union. The data centres that Learnsmarter Apps use meet the highest standards of security. You can read more about this here.
Disclosing Your Information
We will not disclose your personal information to any third parties other than in accordance with this Privacy Policy and in the circumstances detailed below:
In the event that you enter into a contract to purchase services that includes any software licenses, then any data necessary to provision such services will be shared with Salesforce Inc.
In the event that we sell any or all of our business to the buyer.
Where we are legally required by law to disclose your personal information.
Use of Cookies
Our website uses cookies to help provide you with the best experience we can.
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd do not use cookies to:
Collect any personally identifiable information.
Pass data to advertising networks.
Pass personally identifiable data to third parties.
Pay sales commissions.
Our cookies help us to:
Make our website work as you’d expect.
Remember your settings during and between visits.
Improve the speed/security of the site.
Allow you to share pages with social networks like Facebook.
Continuously improve our website for you.
You can remove permissions for our site to store information in cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Doing so may adversely affect your visitor experience on this site.
If the settings on your software that you are using to view this website (your browser) are adjusted to accept cookies we take this, and your continued use of our website, to mean that we have your agreement to store data in cookies for the purposes we have stated.
Third Party Functions
Our website includes functionality provided by third parties. Disabling these cookies may adversely affect the functions offered by these third parties.
These third parties include YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
The site uses Google Analytics to track visits to the site and Google Analytics stores data in cookies for this purpose.
Salesforce.com may use cookies as tools for gathering information and page view analytics. This can be used to enhance user experience or can be used as analytics for page views. For more information about how Salesforce.com may use cookies on our website, please click here.
Communication preferences
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd may retain your information for a period of time consistent with the original purpose of its collection and for a reasonable period of time afterward to pursue our legitimate business interests, comply with our legal obligations and enforce our agreements.
You may request to review, correct, delete or otherwise modify any of the personal information that you have previously provided to Learnsmarter Apps Ltd through our websites and services. To update your account or billing information, terminate your contract, and/or request deletion of Your Data associated with your account, please contact your Account Manager. For other requests to access, correct, modify or delete your Data please contact us here
The information on this website is provided for the benefit of existing and future customers. Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will make every effort to ensure that the information is reliable and accurate at the date of publication, but no warranty of accuracy is given. Learnsmarter Apps Ltd do not advise customers to rely solely on the information contained herein when making a purchasing decision. Learnsmarter Apps Ltd are not responsible for the accuracy of information contained within sites provided by third parties, which may have links to or from this website. Any opinions expressed are the opinions of Learnsmarter Apps Ltd at the time of writing and are subject to change without notice. Learnsmarter Apps Ltd does not accept any liability in respect of any errors or omissions within the information contained herein whether created by Learnsmarter Apps Ltd or any other relevant third parties.
Customers should ascertain for themselves whether any features contained within the products supplied by Learnsmarter Apps Ltd or their resellers will meet the customer’s requirements through the use of available demonstration systems, product demonstrations and by direct communication with either Learnsmarter Apps Ltd or one of their resellers.
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd provide information to enable customers to estimate the costs of Learnsmarter products and services. Neither this information, nor any other information contained on this website, is intended to create a contract or an offer or other legally binding commitment and customers should not rely on this information when placing orders. Learnsmarter Apps Ltd recommend that all customers obtain a formal quotation from either Learnsmarter Apps Ltd or one of their resellers before making a purchasing decision.
Learnsmarter is a registered trademark of Learnsmarter Apps Ltd in the UK and the USA. Salesforce, Salesforce.com, Force.com and AppExchange are all registered trademarks of salesforce.com inc.. Chatter is a trademark of Salesforce.com inc.. No investigation has been made into the common law or other trademark rights of any other word contained within this site. The inclusion of any word with or without a recognized trademark symbol is not an expression of the publishers opinion as to whether or not such words are protected in any manner, nor is it to be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark.
Under no circumstances should the information on this website or any part of it be copied, reproduced or redistributed without the express written permission of Learnsmarter Apps Ltd.
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of race, age, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation, social or cultural background.
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will deal fairly and truthfully with all customers and suppliers. All of Learnsmarter Apps Ltd’s contracts of employment explicitly state that staff will not knowingly lie or attempt to mislead customers. Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will endeavor to ensure that the customer understands what Learnsmarter Apps Ltd’s products can and cannot do. Learnsmarter Apps Ltd cannot be held responsible for assumptions that customers have made about levels of functionality within Learnsmarter Apps Ltd’s products that are inaccurate but are not communicated clearly to Learnsmarter Apps Ltd. In the event that any such assumptions are communicated, then Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will make every effort to ensure that such misconceptions are corrected.
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will respect the confidentiality of client information and all staff have contractual obligations to do so.
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will deal openly and honestly in every circumstance. Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will neither give nor accept any inducements of any kind to or from any individual in connection with a customer transaction. Learnsmarter Apps Ltd may provide discounts on the purchase of new products or services from us to clients who refer sales leads to us.
When new clients ask us for references from existing clients, Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will normally contact the reference client first as a matter of courtesy, but will never offer any inducements of any kind to customers for providing references to new clients on Learnsmarter Apps Ltd’s behalf.
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will promote the products and services that we offer in a positive way and this may include drawing the customer’s attention to advantages that our products and delivery methods may have. However, we will always seek to avoid providing purely negative information about the products, services or business of our competitors and will promote the benefits of our products rather than concentrate on the negative aspects of other systems. If Learnsmarter Apps Ltd become aware that our competitors are not treating us in the same way then Learnsmarter Apps Ltd reserve the right to provide equivalent information in these limited circumstances.
Learnsmarter Apps Ltd will not knowingly sell Learnsmarter Apps Ltd’s products to customers who wish to use them for any illegal purpose.
Environmental Policies
Learnsmarter will seek as an organization to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment as far as possible. The headings are not ours, but Learnsmarter undertakes to do the following:
Learnsmarter are committed to the use of technology in reducing the requirement to use paper. Learnsmarter will use email, social tools and other forms of web based and electronic methods as a communication tool for all written correspondence whenever possible and seek to develop products that allow clients to take maximum advantage of this technology too.
Learnsmarter will use technology to minimize requirements for travel. Learnsmarter will give software demonstrations and provide other services using web and other communication technologies as far as possible and will only travel to client sites when it is necessary to do so. Where possible, any travel will be done using land based public transport. Learnsmarter will encourage staff to use non-polluting forms of transport and will provide facilities for and encourage staff to cycle or walk to work.
Learnsmarter will seek to use technological advances to develop new training materials which will increase the ability of clients to train themselves where appropriate and reduce the need for face to face training.
Learnsmarter will seek to limit all packaging and the amount of physical matter that it dispatches. Learnsmarter will favor suppliers who attempt to limit the amount of packaging that they use when supplying goods to us.
Learnsmarter will consider the environmental impact of new equipment before purchasing and will choose lower impact items where possible.
Learnsmarter aims to use reusable rather than disposable items and will use recycled materials where possible. Learnsmarter will seek to find new owners or uses for obsolete equipment and will buy second-hand equipment when it is sensible and practical to do so.
Learnsmarter will recycle as much trade waste as possible and will support recycling initiatives.
USA: +1 214-447-3200
UK: +44 (0)1962 790200
A better way to
manage your learning
USA: +1 214-447-3200
UK: +44 (0)1962 790200